Thursday, February 5, 2015

First Blog

First blog

Finally after reading other blogs decided to take the plunge and create one at last .After much thought on why do I have to do it my memories only bring back to the days when my father was alive as being much more closer to him his demise is a great loss to me and whenever I here the song My Fathers Eyes and the lyrics will only bring much regret on not talking and being open to him when he was alive so hopefully this blog will one day would be an eye opener to my children and  wont be left out on not knowing much about me so I wish to start my stories off one at a time hoping to complete my views tribulations and downfalls .
Whenever I read the forums or news about Singapore being overcrowded my thoughts are for the poor immigrants as we forget that we are all immigrants at one time or another as history says it that the original population of this country is only about twenty fishermans in the early   years,then the British came and made it into a trading port and slowly we are populated with chinese ,indians malays and people from other nations who fled their own countries to seek better oppurtunities here .Its just history repeating itself right now so why the grunt.
Infrastructures is the key to the present dire state that we are in .Whenever I am queuing for the mrt to work in the morning I have to squeeze my self into  the carriage like sardines and the prices of houses have increased double in 5 years which makes us worried if our children could afford their own houses when they grow up and a lot of Singaporeans are sidelined  for their prefered jobs to the foreigners for a low wage so why wont anybody be angry if we are treated as second class citizen in our own country when the foreigners have the sweet treats all the time .Our cars are the most expensive in the world whereby a piece of paper called COE  costs about $80 000 dollars today and the rich could afford to buy 2,3,4 cars while the ones who really need it to convey old parents or children  have to find other ways or suffer in silence.
Some have found other ways to counter this problem and shifted to Johor which is the nearest country to us where houses can be bought at a quarter or less of the price here but the travelling time increases by about 2 hours  at the causeway which is a sacrifice we have to take but worthwhile for some .There are about 5000 families living and commuting daily to this new haven where land is vast and 3 times the size of Singapore and the population about 1/6  of the crowded Singapore .Many crimes have been reported in Spore papers in Johor but having gone there many times it is just as save only if we dont splurge around our wealth .I suppose Singapore is just losing a lot when Singaporeans  spent most of their wealth here with our good exchange rate .Who would not if most of the things are 2.5 times cheaper .

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